Category Archives: Paint

Collaborate WriteNOW: Seamless Dry Erase Wallcovering


Seamless Dry Erase Wallcovering

WriteWalls Dry Erase Wallcovering
Remain apart, collaborate together

Celebrate collaboration, imagination and expression while social distancing in the classrooms! Did you know that 17′ of seamless dry erase wallcovering can allow up to 3 collaborators while remaining a safe social distance? Continue reading Collaborate WriteNOW: Seamless Dry Erase Wallcovering

WriteInfinity Dry Erase Paint from WriteWalls!

WriteInfinity Dry Erase Paint

WriteInfinity is a clear dry erase paint. With the ease of only one part (no mixing required) and one coat, create a writable and eraseable surface over your choice of any latex color. It will turn any painted surface into a dry erase canvas, ready for your ideas to flow infinitely.


  • Suitable for all presentation and writing needs especially in areas with open ceilings or unique, expansive collaborative venues
  • Perfect solution for healthcare, education, hospitality and corporate installations


  • Provides inifinite flexibility and superior cost efficiency
  • Easy single coat rolled application dries in 1 hour and cures in only 3 days
  • Low maintenance cost


  • Easy to erase
  • 10-year limited warranty
  • ASTM D2486 >15 000 scrub cycles and excellent stain removal
  • No Ghosting

Learn more at

IIDEX 2016 – Featuring PULL, Innovation Award Entrant

IIDEX 2016 Featuring IdeaPaint PULL

IIDEX Canada 2016

Visit Levey at Booth 5221


Featuring PULL, Innovation Award Entrant

PULL is a high-performing magnetic wallcovering that pairs with IdeaPaint dry erase paint to turn any wall into a magnetic, dry erase surface. Want to see PULL in action? Visit Booth 5221.

November 30 to December 1

Proud Sponsor

Explore our dry ease options at

Unlimited Dry Erase Options, LEVEY Wallcoverings

IdeaPaint logoIdeaPaint is a premium dry erase paint with a 10-year warranty, proven on the walls of some of the world’s most innovative and successful companies. Propelling the space program at NASA, driving the mind giants at Google, and giving Apple the boundless space to dream a little bigger than most. IdeaPaint is more than a tool; we enable off-site thinking on site. Day in, day out, it’s a catalyst for working better.

WriteWalls logoWith a full product range of dry erase options, our mission is to bring your creativity to life with WriteWalls. Our 10-year warranty comes with the full range of multi-use products that ensure your total satisfaction when brainstorming and presenting big ideas.

• WriteWalls offers the latest dry erase technology
• 60” magnetic dry erase
• Digitally-printed magnetic system

everwalls logoeverWalls is an easy-to-install quickship collection of 3 most popular dry erase wallcovering and accessories, all covered by a 10-year limited warranty. It is vastly superior and competitively priced to any dry erase vinyl wallcovering available on the market today. Suitable for all collaborative writing needs and the perfect solution for healthcare, education, hospitality and corporate installations.

See our unlimited options!

Dry Erase, Levey Industries

With a full product range of dry erase options, our mission is to bring your professional presentations and collaborative brainstorming to life with products that celebrate imagination and expression. Our full collection of dry erase products aim to provide outstanding quality, performance, and selection that suit any communication style.

Looking for technical information, colour profiles or product libraries?

Visit our website at

Need to speak to someone? Please call 1-800-588-3990, or contact your local Levey Rep.

Levey, the dry erase people

PERCH Pack: A better home for your IdeaPaint dry erase supplies

PERCH Pack Storage System for and by IdeaPaint

The IdeaPaint PERCH Pack proves that dry erase accessories can look good and work well.

With PERCH, you get a fully-loaded storage system that organizes office clutter and provides a beautiful home for your dry erase supplies.

Made by Urbio, this magnetic, modular, wall-mounted system comes packed with all of your IdeaPaint dry erase essentials. It’s one of our favourites in the Workshop collection.

Explore our dry erase paint at