Category Archives: Trend Series

LEVEY Trend Series: Architectural Lines

Levey Trend Series Architectural Lines

architectural lines

create distinctive compositions within a built space. Through the manipulation of materials, light and shadow, architectural aesthetics are shaped and formed creating buildings that are cultural symbols and works of art. This aesthetic is the inspiration for our upcoming architectural collection of digital wallcoverings from LeveyArt Digital.

See the LEVEYArt Digital page

Digital Custom Wallcovering from Levey Industries

Digital Custom Wallcovering from Levey Industries

Digital Custom Wallcovering from Levey Industries

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where trends become classics.

LEVEY Trend Series: Hues & Patterns

Levey Trend Series Hues and Patterns

hues & patterns

a classic, foolproof pattern can be easily contrasted with colour for an effect that begs to be seen. Determining elements of a wallcovering pattern can be offset by bold, bright accent colours to draw attention and control programming, as well as add visual texture and interest. Our premium wallcoverings can be paired with our show-stopping 3M DI-NOC for the ultimate collaboration of geometry and pigmentation.

Top: Zydeco Vinyl Wallcovering
Bottom: 3M DI-NOC

Zydeco Vinyl Wallcovering and 3M DI NOC

Top: Cabana Vinyl Wallcovering
Bottom: 3M DI-NOC

Cabana Vinyl Wallcovering 3M DI NOC

Top: Sweet Tweet Vinyl Wallcovering
Bottom: 3M DI-NOC

Sweet Tweet Vinyl Wallcovering 3M DI NOC

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where trends become classics.

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LEVEY Trend Series: Traditional Meets Modern

Traditional Meets Modern Wallcovering

traditional meets modern

summarizes the newest movement of extensions to older buildings that use traditional materials such as stone or brick. Blurring boundaries with this architectural language is the base for sustainable reuse and privacy control in today’s modern designs. Our complete line of self-adhesive window film products make the transition from old to new, public to private seamlessly.

FASARA™ Architectural Film

3M Fasara Architectural Film

Dichroic Architectural Film

3M Dichroic Architectural Film

FASARA™ Architectural Film

3M Fasara Architectural Film

Levey Wallcovering News Logo

where trends become classics.

LEVEY Trend Series: Bandaloop Inspired Wallcovering

levey trend series bandaloop inspired wallcovering


performers dance their way across the glass facade of a 17-storey tower in Boston, in an acrobatic aerial performance connecting emotion with architecture. Inspired by the movements of the human body, our premium wallcovering collection includes two sister patterns that reflect the fluid, expressive movement of acrobatics, and the connection between positive and negative space.

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Trapeze Vinyl Wallcovering

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Balancing Act Vinyl Wallcovering

Levey Wallcovering News Logo

where trends become classics.